
Eda J. Le Shan

Okay, so this is Prince's new album cover, and it was forwarded to me with the subject line, "What is wrong with him?" Which I may have to admit, when just considering the above image, might just be an appropriate question.
A few interesting (AKA: amusing) comments found online about the cover include (but are not limited to:)
Okay. A little weird, but maybe there's some deeper meaning here we just haven;t found yet? Hmmm....
In Japanese, Guanyin is pronounced Kan'non (観音) or more formally Kanzeon (観世音); the spelling Kwannon, based on a pre-modern pronunciation, is sometimes seen. In Korean, this incarnation of Buddha is called Gwan-eum or Gwanse-eum, In Thai, the name is called Kuan Eim (กวนอิม) or Prah Mae Kuan Eim (พระแม่กวนอิม),and in Vietnamese, the name is Quan Âm or Quan Thế Âm Bồ Tát.
It is generally accepted that Guanyin originated as the Sanskrit Avalokiteśvara (अवलोकितेश्वर), which is her male form. Another version suggests she originated from the Taoist Immortal "Ci Hang Zhen Ren" (慈航真人). Commonly known in the West as the Goddess of Mercy, Guanyin is also revered by Chinese Taoists as an Immortal. The name Guanyin, also spelt Kuan Yin, is short for Kuan-shih Yin (Py.: Guānshì Yīn, 觀世音) which means "Observing the Sounds (or Cries) of the World".
Useless Trivia Facts: