Parasites, Princesses, and Paranoia-or Another Day

Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Name Phrase Google Game

Okay. So I'm stealing this idea from my friend's blog (Baseball, Life, and Politics) who learned of it from his girlfriend. It seems to be all over the web, too. It's pretty funny even if it's not so original.

Here's the gist of it: You search for a phrase like "Heather looks like" or "Heather seems to" in Google, and see what you get. You have to use the quotation marks so you get the whole phrase. Be creative, and it's even more fun.

Here's some examples:

  • Heather seems to like salad very much.

  • Heather seems to be a fan of the sci-fi genre.

  • Heather seems to have a vocabulary somewhat restricted to a favorite four-letter word.

  • Heather seems to feel it necessary to take a stab at writing in a post-modern vein.

  • Heather seems to be on pretty good terms with the so-called 'X-Treme' X-men.

  • Heather seems to do more good than harm.

  • Though Heather seems to have a lot of (limited and incorrect, I happen to know) inside information, she seems to be missing the point.

  • Heather seems to have everything: the timeless patience and the witty, graceful light-footed stamina.

  • Heather seems to be an average girl, yet she amazingly doesn't seem particularly frightened when she spots all sorts of gibbering, shambling, blood-soaked creatures who are feasting on corpses--or trying to feast on her.

Here's some others:
  • Rob wants to catch marshmallow in pants.

  • Dave looks like a beached sea god.

  • Heather looks like a drag-queen Michael Jackson impersonator.

  • Jani wants to be a NHL player.

  • Lexi wants to be a cheeta.

  • Emily looks like loon dung.

  • Tony looks like a caveman and that is by no means attractive.

  • Matt looks like some He-Man, some He-Man miscellaneous man figure.

  • Scott looks like the redheaded step child you would like to beat.

  • Brian looks like a hobbit in that jungle.

  • Cole looks like a glamour queen from a bygone era.

  • Sue looks like the culprit described in the eyewitness accounts.

  • Andy looks like a muppet after his bath.

  • Fran looks like a used car salesman.

Okay, you get the idea...I have to say, I got some pretty good chuckles out of this entry. Have fun!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Spring Fever

According to

spring fever
A feeling of languor or yearning brought on by the coming of spring.

Terry Redlin's

I fear I may have this! I feel restless and distracted. I can't focus on anything, and want to be doing ten different things at once (none of which are work-related, I fear!) Time to clean things out, clean things up, paint the bathrooms and living room, plant some new flowers, and...and...

This time of year makes me antsy. How about you? Ever feel like stopping the car and getting out on the grassy median and just running in circles? (My daughter and I did this just a couple of weeks ago!)

Anyway, here's some links to help with Spring Fever!

Take the useless trivia Spring Fever Quiz. (It's short.)

Here's a pretty good list of some Spring Cleaning Tips.

Excellent site with some Spring Planting Tips.

Joyce Brothers' Spring Fever Trivia Article

Monday, April 10, 2006

The flowers are coming! The flowers are coming!

These beautiful photos are of springtime at my Mom's house in Kansas. They're two weeks old, already, and spring is definitely on its way here now (the grass is getting pretty green underneath the old, dead brown stuff,) but we still have a ways to go here in Minnesota before we get to enjoy FLOWERS! Thought I'd post these for myself and anyone else who is longing for the return of the color and joy of springtime blooms.

The daffodils were just at the end of their peak and starting to fade a little around the edges two weeks ago down there.

But the forsythia (top) and the hyacinths (bottom) were in full swing. Irises are probably in full bloom as I write this. Any week now these photos could be of our yards--right? I did some shoots poking up out in one of the backyard flowerbeds yesterday. I can hardly wait!