Parasites, Princesses, and Paranoia-or Another Day

Monday, April 10, 2006

The flowers are coming! The flowers are coming!

These beautiful photos are of springtime at my Mom's house in Kansas. They're two weeks old, already, and spring is definitely on its way here now (the grass is getting pretty green underneath the old, dead brown stuff,) but we still have a ways to go here in Minnesota before we get to enjoy FLOWERS! Thought I'd post these for myself and anyone else who is longing for the return of the color and joy of springtime blooms.

The daffodils were just at the end of their peak and starting to fade a little around the edges two weeks ago down there.

But the forsythia (top) and the hyacinths (bottom) were in full swing. Irises are probably in full bloom as I write this. Any week now these photos could be of our yards--right? I did some shoots poking up out in one of the backyard flowerbeds yesterday. I can hardly wait!


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