Parasites, Princesses, and Paranoia-or Another Day

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Maybe a Little Weird?

Okay, so this is Prince's new album cover, and it was forwarded to me with the subject line, "What is wrong with him?" Which I may have to admit, when just considering the above image, might just be an appropriate question.

A few interesting (AKA: amusing) comments found online about the cover include (but are not limited to:)

  • "If Prince were to open an Asian rub-n-tug parlor, this would be the flyer you'd see tattered and plastered in random phone booths across the metro area."
  • "It's no "lovesexy"...."
  • "It's a metaphor for the world being some sort of painful and inflamed venereal disease related growth. Good call, Prince."
  • "Somebody call Russia and ask if they can see Prince's crotch bearing down upon them from the heavens."

Okay. A little weird, but maybe there's some deeper meaning here we just haven;t found yet? Hmmm....


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