Thursday, March 30, 2006

Monday, March 27, 2006
Top 10 Reasons I LOVE KENTUCKY

2. People are polite enough to take social hints, and never make you say something out loud that would make anyone uncomfortable.
3. Food tastes good (country ham, biscuits, cornbread, bacon in the green beans...)
4. Trees!!! (Big, leafy ones like oaks, walnuts, elms, poplars, dogwoods...)
5. One beautiful rolling hill after another of emerald green.
6. People acknowledge your existence by giving you a nod, smile, and hello in passing, even if they've never seen you before and never will again.
7. Winter lasts 3 months (just as specified by the calendar.)
8. Old historic things are truly old and historic (more than 150 years.)
9. Flowers!!! And a long enough growing season to enjoy them. (Daffodils, irises, tulips, then Indian paintbrushes, roses, marigolds, geraniums, mums...)
10. It's where I come from--It's home. :)
Now, for your education and/or enjoyment: Kentucky's state song performed by the University of Louisville Marching Band, which is really quite lovely:
My Old Kentucky Home by Stephen Foster, 1850
(Windows Media Player file)
The Lyrics:
The sun shines bright in the old Kentucky home,
Tis summer, the people are gay;
The corn-top's ripe and the meadow's in the bloom
While the birds make music all the day.
The young folks roll on the little cabin floor
All merry, all happy and bright;
By'n by hard times comes a knocking at the door
Then my old Kentucky home, Good-night!
Weep no more my lady.
Oh! Weep no more today!
We will sing one song for my old Kentucky home
For the old Kentucky home, far away

Thursday, March 23, 2006
3121 Significance?
As with all things related to Prince, there is a lot of speculation and very little info that can be verified as truly authentic. As such, I chose to give you the most plausible-sounding theory and most oft repeated by reliable-seeming sources on the title and its significance:
- Pronounced thirty-one twenty-one, the number refers to the address of his home in the Hollywood Hills, where he regularly entertains celebrity guests and hosts all-night jam sessions. Also, the release date of the set’s first single, “Te Amo Corazon,” was Dec. 13 (12/13), which is 3121 backwards. Additionally, the running time of the second single, “Black Sweat,” is 3 minutes and 12 seconds. As previously reported, the March 21 (3/21) release date of the set was chosen to coincide with the title. Interestingly, the numbers do add up to a sum of 7, also, which is a number Prince seems to dig.

I would also like to share with you the opportunity to win a custom Prince "cloud" white Schecter guitar. This is a fully-functioning replica of the guitar used in "Purple Rain." Just go to http://prince3121sweeps.com/ and register to win the one and only Prince cloud guitar.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006
JUST FOR FUN--Some BAD Impersonators

Worst Prince Impersonator
(On second thought, WORST IMPERSONATOR of ALL TIME)

Another really bad Prince.

BAD, BAD Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston

Could a Michael Jackson impersonator actually be scarier than the real thing? (I'm afraid so...)


I know there are many contenders for BAD Elvis, but this Chinese rendition must be in there somewhere.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Since I am well aware it is my job to keep you all informed of the latest Prince news, here it is:
The newest album 3121 will be released on Tuesday, March 21st.
It is rumored that the Warner Brothers Ultimate Prince 2 disc compilation set will be released in 3 or 4 months. Interestingly, it was slated to be released this week, but pulled from release rather abruptly following (also rumored) objection from Prince that the release date would interfere with the release of his 3121 album.

It is also thought by most that the release of the Ultimate Prince compilation will occur while Prince is touring to promote 3121, undoubtedly proving beneficial to WB. BUT also beneficial to us because...Prince will be touring again!
For those of you who just can't wait for the release of the newest (and "most comercial-sounding effort in ages") 3121, you can download the 2 already released singles and videos, "Black Sweat" and "Te Amo Corazon"
here on the NPG Music Club website, for a small fee, of course.
But, since I want you all to experience the joy of Prince for free, here's a small taste for free. Beware, though--it IS hot.

Prince - Black Sweat
AND--for those of you who just can't wait the 3 or 4 months to own your very own official copy of the Ultimate Prince {Remaster} Prince CDs, you can get a set HERE on EBay (of course!) right now. Neat. I should warn you, though, that Prince insider-style is NEVER a cheap thing. (Ask Ryan who was there with us at the Paisley Park after-party, if you don't believe me.) The 2-CD set is going for between $80-$110.

OK, that's all the news I have 4 now. Keep checking back, and I'll keep U in4med of what U need 2 know. All hail Prince 4ever!
(U all knew this was coming at some point, right? :)