This is called an EBay Frenzy.

Okay. I'm sorry I have been away for so long. I have been exploring the possibilities of earning an additional income on EBay. Here's how it all began, in a nutshell (or as small a shell as I am capable of cramming all my thoughts into.)
Periodically, in the past year or two, I have sold a few of our old, outgrown, and unused things on EBay. I started organizing and cleaning up around here a few months ago, and began selling some things again. I became intrigued with HTML and template/web design, and decided that I, by my very own self, could figure out this mysterious code/language. And I did, I'm happy to say (after a 14 hour long session without food, shower, or getting dressed.) So, when I ran out of our things to sell (I couldn't clean things out as fast as I could sell them!), I went looking for a source of cheap things high-in-demand on EBay. Found some stuff. Sold that stuff. Then found some more stuff. And so far, am doing quite well.
I have earned enough income to completely pay for all Christmas gifts for our ridiculously huge family, and when Christmas is over, I'm going to pay Merry Maids to clean my house for me every other week! I can hardly wait!
It really is quite fun, actually. And becoming more and more profitable by the day. It does keep me pretty busy, but I'm becoming more and more efficient at all of the managing inventory, listing, shipping, etc. involved. (It's a lot more involved than it would at first seem.) And now that I'm getting the hang of it all and not so overwhelmed (AKA lost in an EBay-frenzy), I'm sure I'll be back here again regularly.
I love EBay! (If you aren't EBaying, you really are missing out.) ;)