Most Outrageous Statements of 2005
I don't usually engage in the heated political debate genre, but thought I'd throw you avid politickers some fodder for once. These statements were gathered by Media Matters for America,who bills them as "acutely represent[ing] the extreme conservative speech we found in the news media in 2005." See for yourself...
- Former Reagan administration Secretary of Education Bill Bennett: "[Y]ou could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down." [Salem Radio Network's Bill Bennett's Morning in America, 9/28/05]
- Pat Robertson: "If [Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez] thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it." [Christian Broadcasting Network's The 700 Club, 8/22/05]
- Bill O'Reilly to San Francisco: "[I]f Al Qaeda comes in here and blows you up, we're not going to do anything about it. ... You want to blow up the Coit Tower? Go ahead." [Westwood One's The Radio Factor with Bill O'Reilly, 12/8/05]
- Bill O'Reilly, agreeing with caller that illegal immigrants are "biological weapon[s]": "I think you could probably make an absolutely airtight case that more than 3,000 Americans have been either killed or injured, based upon the 11 million illegals who are here." [Westwood One's The Radio Factor with Bill O'Reilly, 4/15/05]
- Rush Limbaugh: "Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of society." [The Rush Limbaugh Show, 8/12/05]
- Rush Limbaugh on the kidnapping of peace activists in Iraq: "I'm telling you, folks, there's a part of me that likes this." [The Rush Limbaugh Show, 11/29/05]
- Ann Coulter: Bill Clinton "was a very good rapist"; "I'm getting a little fed up with hearing about, oh, civilian casualties"; "I think we ought to nuke North Korea right now just to give the rest of the world a warning." [New York Observer, 1/10/05]
- Ann Coulter: "Isn't it great to see Muslims celebrating something other than the slaughter of Americans?" [Syndicated column, 2/3/05]
- Radio host Glenn Beck: "[Y]ou know it took me about a year to start hating the 9-11 victims' families? Took me about a year." [Premiere Radio Networks' The Glenn Beck Program, 9/9/05]
- Tucker Carlson: "Canada is a sweet country. It is like your retarded cousin you see at Thanksgiving and sort of pat him on the head. You know, he's nice, but you don't take him seriously. That's Canada." [MSNBC's The Situation with Tucker Carlson, 12/15/05]
- American Family Association president Tim Wildmon: Liberals "don't have the kind of family responsibilities most people have, and certainly not church responsibilities." [American Family Radio's Today's Issues, 5/11/05]
- David Horowitz on Cindy Sheehan: "It's very hard to have respect for a woman who exploits the death of her own son and doesn't respect her own son's life. ... She portrays him as an idiot." [MSNBC's Connected: Coast to Coast, 8/16/05]
- Radio host Neal Boortz on the execution of Stanley "Tookie" Williams: "[T]here will be riots in South Central Los Angeles and elsewhere. ... The rioting, of course, will lead to wide scale looting. There are a lot of aspiring rappers and NBA superstars who could really use a nice flat-screen television right now." [, 12/12/05]
- Pat Buchanan: "Our guys" in Iraq "have got every right to have good news put into the media and get to the people of Iraq, even if it's got to be planted or bought." [MSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews, 12/1/05]
- National Review editor Rich Lowry: Given EPA-mandated "small-flush" toilets, "[h]ow is it possible to flush a Quran down the toilet?" [Young America's Foundation speech, 8/5/05]
- Neal Boortz, suggesting that a victim of Hurricane Katrina housed in an Atlanta hotel consider prostitution: "I dare say she could walk out of that hotel and walk 100 yards in either direction on Fulton Industrial Boulevard here in Atlanta and have a job. What's that? Well, no, no, no. ... Well, you know what? [laughing] Now that you mention it ... [i]f that's the only way she can take care of herself, it sure beats the hell out of sucking off the taxpayers." [Cox Radio Syndication's The Neal Boortz Show, 10/24/05]
- Focus on the Family founder and chairman James C. Dobson: Same-sex marriage would lead to "marriage between daddies and little girls ... between a man and his donkey." [Focus on the Family radio program, 10/6/05]
- Accuracy in Media editor Cliff Kincaid: "Have you noticed that many news organizations, in honor of former ABC News anchorman Peter Jennings, have embarked on a quit smoking campaign? So why don't our media launch a campaign advising people to quit engaging in the dangerous and addictive homosexual lifestyle? ... It appears that the homosexual lifestyle is as addictive as smoking." [Accuracy in Media column, 12/14/05]

Looks like many Americans are pretty stupid too. Plenty of well timed foot in mouth quotes here.
What Does It Matter Anyways?, at 7/23/2006 9:50 AM
Media matters appears to be a website more interested in not hurting the feelings of "oppressed" and minority groups than actually being concerned about the truth.
I haven't heard of all of these quotes in context, but some I actually heard live.
The Bill Bennet one at the top is especially important. Bennett was actually responding to a caller who was making some point about using abortion to change society for the better. Bennett agreed it was possible - giving the example cited here - but said it was morally reprehensible.
The truth is, black Americans do committ a disproportionate amount of crime, so if you did abort all black babies, the crime rate probably would go down. A similar point was made in the book Freakonomics. Should Bennett not have made a point, even though it is TRUE? Is the black population somehow above criticism?
O'Reilly has a point with his second quote. On my first day at my new job I covered a story about a woman who was gunned down by an illegal immigrant while he was attempting to shoot another person nearby. To consider illegal immigrants biological weapons is kind of dumb, but should we not be concerned with violent criminals who illegally cross the border in the name of being sensitive to people of Hispanic decent?
I cringe frequently when Ann Coulter talks - and writes - but her second point is dead on. After 9/11 Muslims did dance in the streets because Americans died. It IS great to see Muslims celebrating their chance to vote. Oh, wait, we shouldn't mention that pretty much all the terrorists are Muslim -- that might hurt some Muslim's somewhere's self esteem.
David Horowitz - Cindy Sheehan is pathetic and about as intelligent as a brick. I doubt if Horowitz actually knows what her son Casey would have thought of her idiotic, self promotion, but Sheehan is hardly above criticism considering that's all she's done for about two years now.
Neal Boortz was complaining for months about Katrina evacuees turning into social parasites...and many of them DID become social parasites. The stories were rampant about people who gave evacuees a nice place to stay only to find their homes looted and/or destroyed when they left. Many Katrina evacuees lived off your's and my dollars for months and months without bothering to even consider finding a job to pay their own way. That's the mentality of the welfare state, which the left wing so adores.
We've got to get beyond this PC censorship crap. You know what, there's a lot to criticise about black culture, gay culture, illegal immigrants, etc. And that's not to say there's not a lot to criticize about white culture, American culture, et al. But many of the quotes you have here are valid criticism - and if they hurt somebody's feelings - tough. Its America. Deal with it.
BTW - Here's a few of my favorite quotes from loony left wingers.
"When Communist U.S.S.R. was a superpower, the world was better off. The right-wing media is trying to marginalize the peace movement."
-- Comedian and Talk Show Host Janeane Garofalo
''The Iraqis who have risen up against the occupation are not 'insurgents' or 'terrorists' or 'The Enemy.' They are the REVOLUTION, the Minutemen, and their numbers will grow -- and they will win.'' -- Michael Moore on his website
"Iraq was not involved in 9/11. Iraq was not a terrorist state. But now that we have decimated the country, the borders are open. Freedom Fighters from other countries are going in." -- Cindy Sheehan (Yes, she called them freedom fighters)
''(Americans) are possibly the dumbest people on the planet." -- Michael Moore...again
"And there is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know," --John Kerry (who thankfully isn't president) in an interview with Bob Schieffer. Yeah, John, we know who the real terrorists are - US!!!! Democrats in 2008!!!
RynoM, at 7/25/2006 12:03 AM
I thought you might like this post! :) Doesn't anyone else have anything to say?!
Heather, at 7/25/2006 6:35 PM
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