Parasites, Princesses, and Paranoia-or Another Day

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Song That Changed the World (Mine)

When I find myself feeling beat-down, depressed, overwhelmed, angry at the way things are...I listen to this song. This whole album, in fact. But this one song, in particular.

Tracy Chapman

Tracy Chapman - Heaven's Here On Earth
Heaven's Here On Earth Clip

You can look to the stars in search of the answers
Look for God and life on distant planets
Have your faith in the ever after
While each of us holds inside the map to the labyrinth
And heaven's here on earth

We are the spirit the collective conscience
We create the pain and the suffering and the beauty in this
Heaven's here on earth

In our faith in humankind
In our respect for what is earthly
In our unfaltering belief in peace and love and understanding

I've seen and met angels wearing the disguise
Of ordinary people leading ordinary lives
Filled with love, compassion, forgiveness and sacrifice
Heaven's in our hearts

In our faith in humankind
In our respect for what is earthly
In our unfaltering belief in peace and love and understanding

Look around
Believe in what you see
The kingdom is at hand
The promised land is at your feet
We can and will become what we aspire to be
If Heaven's here on earth

If we have faith in humankind
And respect for what is earthly
And an unfaltering belief that truth is divinity
And heaven's here on earth

I've seen spirits
I've met angels
I've touched creations beautiful and wondrous
I've been places where I question all I think I know
But I believe, I believe, I believe this could be heaven

We are born inside the gates with the power to create life
And to take it away
The world is our temple
The world is our church
Heaven's here on earth

If we have faith in humankind
And respect for what is earthly
And an unfaltering belief
In peace and love and understanding
This could be heaven here on earth

Heaven's in our heart

Here's what I get from this song:
  • Your life is what you make it.

  • There is a reason to keep the faith, have hope, keep trying to make a difference.

  • There are others struggling to keep the faith, have hope, and trying to make a difference.

  • It reminds me of the people I've met who have been "angels in disguise" to me or someone else.

  • These things will set you free: hope, respect, love, forgiveness, sacrifice, understanding, compassion. And it takes some faith to keep believing in those things.

  • Your heart will be filled with what you let it be filled with, and this song reminds me to fight for the good things, and let the other things go.

I know I'm waxing poetic, but when I'm ready to throw in the towel, give up trying so hard, this song helps to remind me of the power I have over the world (mine.) It makes it easier to look around and see all the good, sweet, pure things that we walk by everyday.

Anyone else have any Songs That Changed the World (Yours?) :)


  • These are the Days, 10,000 Maniacs:

    These are
    These are days you’ll remember
    Never before and never since, I promise
    Will the whole world be warm as this
    And as you feel it,
    You’ll know it’s true
    That you – you are blessed and lucky
    It’s true – that you
    Are touched by something
    That will grow and bloom in you

    These are days you’ll remember
    When May is rushing over you
    With desire to be part of the miracles
    You see in every hour
    You’ll know it’s true
    That you are blessed and lucky
    It’s true that you are touched
    By something that will grow and bloom in you

    These are days –
    These are the days you might fill
    With laughter until you break
    These days you might feel
    A shaft of light
    Make its way across your face
    And when you do
    You’ll know how it was meant to be
    See the signs and know their meaning
    You’ll know how it was meant to be
    Hear the signs and know they’re speaking
    To you, to you

    Liz and I listened to this song together in the hospital the day after she was born, when all of the chaos died down and it was just the two of us. I cried my eyes out with happy tears and I get weepy every time I hear it or read the lyrics (like now, sniff...) My life hasn't been the same since that day. This song reminds me of what is truly important and that I am rich beyond measure.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 6/18/2006 6:08 PM  

  • Fantastic song. I've always liked it, but never stoppped to consider it in depth. I may just have to add it to my "feeling down about life" playlist. Thanks for sharing! :)

    By Blogger Heather, at 6/19/2006 6:05 AM  

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