Morgellons Disease: Fact or Fiction?
So my friend Patty sent me this fascinating article on an "emerging?" disease called Morgellons Disease. Fascinating, and creepy, to say the least. Here's one description of the disease:

But is this for real? Check out the articles here and see what you think:
Brief Article on Morgellons
Another Brief Article on Morgellons and Possible Diagnoses
Afraid you might have Morgellons? Check out a list of the signs and symptoms and diagnose yourself like a good internet user here:
Six Signs of Morgellons Disease
After perusing articles, info, first person accounts, and photos, I HAVE formed a hypothesis of my own on this emerging disease. In the interest of unbiased consideration on your part, I'm going to offer my "professional," scientific opinion on this in my next post.
Link to the FANtastic article mentioned by Ms. Patty in her great comment below. It's good. Check it out.
Morgellons Article from the American Journal of Dermatology
Travis Wilson developed Morgellons just over a year ago. He called his mother in to see a fiber coming out of a lesion.
"It looked like a piece of spaghetti was sticking out about a quarter to an eighth of an inch long and it was sticking out of his chest," Lisa Wilson said. "I tried to pull it as hard as I could out and I could not pull it out."
Another description:
“I would lay in the bed and it felt like an army of ants just crawling over the bed, all over my body,” says one Morgellons Disease sufferer.
“It never goes away,” says another. “It doesn't die, it doesn't leave.”
What sounds like a science fiction movie is actually real life for the unlucky people
who have contracted the disease which leaves painful sores all over the body.
The sores ooze blue fibers, white threads and little black specks of sand-like material.
The worst part, patients say, is the creepy and constant sensation of bugs crawling under their skin.

Photos of "Fibers" Found in Morgellons Skin Lesions
But is this for real? Check out the articles here and see what you think:
Brief Article on Morgellons
Another Brief Article on Morgellons and Possible Diagnoses
Afraid you might have Morgellons? Check out a list of the signs and symptoms and diagnose yourself like a good internet user here:
Six Signs of Morgellons Disease
After perusing articles, info, first person accounts, and photos, I HAVE formed a hypothesis of my own on this emerging disease. In the interest of unbiased consideration on your part, I'm going to offer my "professional," scientific opinion on this in my next post.
Link to the FANtastic article mentioned by Ms. Patty in her great comment below. It's good. Check it out.
Morgellons Article from the American Journal of Dermatology
95% of me says "Bunk!!"
4% of me says "Hmmmmmm........" especially after reading this article from the American Journal of Clinical Dermatology:
1% of me is convinced that it's an alien parasite that oozed out of the UFO that crashed in Roswell, NM.
Wouldn't you just love to get our hands on one of those fibers to do our own little investigation?
Unknown, at 5/16/2006 8:01 PM
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