CODE BLACK!!! Run For Your Life, Bitches!

Okay. So I'm a big fan of CSI, House, Bones, a good number of these science/medical dramas. For the most part they do a pretty decent job of kepping it real, if you will, within the constraints of keeping it interesting and entertaining and within 45 minutes. But this one tonight, this CODE BLACK episode of Grey's Anatomy, is really just too much. I must admit I'm having a good long chuckle, and will be having the most fun with this at work for the next week or two. Code Black? We've had some ridiculous-sounding codes added on over the years (Code Pink being my favorite real one and Code Sprinkle being my favorite employee-created one,) but CODE BLACK?! Sounds like a "28 Days Later/Ebola outbreak/bird flu in the house, ya'll" kinda code to me. Bad PR, at the very least, and pandemonium-unleashing at worst. Too funny. If you heard this over the intercom, what would you think? Attention, CODE BLACK! AKA, Run for your life, bitches!
Leave it to the white Hospital to give the Code that you need to call the cops and get all the white people the hell out..Black.
Code Black.
Shoot, let the dumb white boy blow him self up.
Racist man...racist.
Anonymous, at 2/06/2006 12:39 AM
OK, so I watched that episode, and I didn't have a problem with the code black thing as much as the damage they said a bazooka head could cause.
I'm no expert on ammunition, but I would assume a bazooka head explosion inside a body cavity would probably blow the body apart and probably the girl's hand that was inside the body...but the entire wing of the hospital? Was it a nuclear bazooka head?
I could be wrong though.
RynoM, at 2/06/2006 7:43 PM
Actually, R and I were discussing the same thing during the show! Evacuate the room, maybe, but the entire hospital? (I was on the computer, too while I was watching, but I thought they were evacuating the whole place, even.) But you have to trust me Rynom--if you ever hear a code black while you're at a hospital, you'd do best to take yourself somewhere else.
Heather, at 2/07/2006 6:13 AM
You'd know better than than the rest of us what one of those could do. I'll take your word for it! :)
Heather, at 2/08/2006 6:09 AM
I work in a hospital and Code Black is a tornado warning. You can find me in the basement; next to the morgue???
Y'all are crazy!
curlyheadedwitch, at 2/08/2006 6:42 AM
How come nobody cared when the bomb squad guy got blowed up?
He blowed up good. He blowed up real good.
RynoM, at 2/13/2006 3:45 PM
I just knew that was coming as soon as he took that bomb from the doctor chic. Sad he had to die, and sad that the writers fell back on the obvious cliche.
Hey, Rynom, maybe you should write some good, realistic, non-cliche tv for us...
Heather, at 2/17/2006 7:51 PM
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