A Moment of Silence for .....the Fish

One of my daughter's fish died sometime last night. I noticed this morning, but thankfully, she didn't. We made it through dinner, and then we "found" the dead fish together. She's really quite attached to her two fish, Sandy and Sarah. They're in all the drawings of our family.
So, we cleaned up the tank, flushed the dead fish, and said a word or two about what a good fish she was. K cried a bit, but seems to be feeling better now. We're going shopping for a new fish tomorrow night. That seems to help with the sorrow of losing a friend. I feel bad for K, but she took it quite well considering how attached she was to her little goldfish. Maybe we can find something good tomorrow.
This weekend was very busy with all of the wedding festivities of a friend. Seems like it was all gone in the blink of an eye. It was all very nice, actually. Not too much overdone, and we really did have a good time. Nice. But now I'm behind on all of the chores around here.
Tonight I did manage to get all the sheets changed and two loads of laundry done, though, in addition to the scouring of layers of algae for over an hour. Ack. That fish tank is the worst job ever. But K did help, and that makes quite the difference. Just more fun having company, I guess.
Anyway, I'm very tired, and it's only Tuesday! I'm desperate for a day off, or even just an afternoon, but I think the lab would shut down if I tried to take a few hours off. How can they be so dependent??? Everyone needs the ability to take a day off. What can I do? It's like I'm the foundation that holds all of the random pieces together. I never know who I might have working in there with me for any given hour. I need more stability, predictability, if just so I can take a damn day off! Ack.
~sigh~ I'm tired and should just go to bed. Maybe I can figure this out tomorrow morning in the shower. I get all of my best brainstorm ideas in the shower first thing in the morning. :)
Well, rest in peace, Sandy the Fish. We'll miss you!
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