It's Halloween crunch time again. I have no costume, and we are going out tomorrow night. I hate this part. There's so much pressure to have a cute, clever costume, and to look good in it. Too much pressure. R's too picky, and has questionable, at best, taste as to what is funny and what is just plain creepy or weird. He doesn't like any of my ideas, but still I must come up with something good, and look good in it, too don't forget it.
I am toying with the idea of a devil with a blue dress. Clever, comfprtable, and still the possibility to look good. Now I must only find the perfect blue dress. Tonight. Before dessert and coffee at R's Mom's house. No sweat. No pressure. Ha.
I'll let you know what happens with the costume. I hope you aren't feeling the pressure of Halloween, too.
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